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​Cost Action IS 1205:

Social psychological dynamics of historical representations in the enlarged

European Union

General Meetings



The third general meeting took place on July 9th, 2016 at the University of Limerick, Ireland.


It took place the day after the COST Action final Conference "Agents through Time: How Do People “Make History”? 

Social Psychological & Historical Research into Collective Memories, Social Identities & Intergroup Relations


















The second general meeting took place on April 11th, 2015 at the University of Pécs, Hungary.


It took place the day after the conference "Social psychological and historical approaches to their antecedents, evolution, and role in influencing identities and intergroup relations". It included a Management Committee meeting and 4 Working group meetings.




















The first general meeting took place on May 31st and June 1st, 2013 at the University of Coimbra, Portugal. 


The meeting included a general introduction to the Action by MC chair and Vice-chair, Laurent Licata and Rosa Cabecinhas; a presentation on the collaboration between social psychologists and historians by Sandra Jovchelovitch, Koji Yamamoto, and Vlad Glaveanu; A general presentation of each of the working groups by Olivier Klein (WG1), Denis Hilton (WG2), Tibor Polya and Eva Fulop (WG3), and Michal Bilewicz (WG4); a MC meeting; and four WG meetings. A brief report of the meeting can be found here.


Local Organizer: Professor Joaquim Pires Valentim




















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                   COST is supported by the EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020



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