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​Cost Action IS 1205:

Social psychological dynamics of historical representations in the enlarged

European Union


COST Action IS1205 publications



Special issue of Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology on "Conflict and memory", edited by Brady Wagoner and Ignacio Brescó.


Wang, B., & Rudmin, F. (in press 2016). Psychohistorical hypotheses on Japan’s deep history of hostility towards China.  Journal of Psychohistory.


Rimé, B., Bouchat, P., Klein, O., & Licata, L. (in press). When Collective Memories of Victimhood Fade: Generational Evolution of Intergroup Attitudes and Political Aspirations in Belgium. European Journal of Social Psychology.


Klein, O., Van der Linden, N., Pantazi, M., Kissine, M., Bilewicz, M., Cichocka, A., & Soral, W. (2015). Behind the screen conspirators: Paranoid social cognition in an online age.


Liakos, A. (in press). Street History: Coming to terms with the past in Occupy movements. In Making sense of History.


Kello, K., & Wagner, W. (2014). Intrinsic and extrinsic patriotism in school: Teaching history after Estonia’s critical juncture. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 43, 48–59.


Leone, G., Sarrica, M. (2014). Making room for negative emoions about the national past: An explorative study of effects of parrhesia on Italian colonial crimes. International Journal of Intercultural Relations.
Licata, L & Mercy, A. (in press). Collective memory (Social psychology of). International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioural Sciences. New York: Elsevier.
Rudmin, F. W. (2014). Cognitive history and the neurotic regulation of historical beliefs: the case of Canadians encountering War Plan RED (1904-1939). The Journal of psychohistory, 42(1), 2–27.
van Ypersele, L., Debruyne, E., & Kesteloot, C. (2014). Brussels, Memory and War (1914-2014). Waterloo: La Renaissance du Livre.




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